Booking policy
Direct booking on our website
Minimum stay of 2 nights
Homemade breakfast included
Around 10% off already applied compared to standard rates* of booking centrals
Long stay offer : additional rebate of 10% applied for a 7 nights stay or more
No deposit, payment on site
Free cancellation 30 days before arrival, 50% of the booking less than 30 days before arrival
Privatisation of the Riad : 50% deposit due 1 month before arrival
Free stay for children under 3 years old (check what is kids friendly)
*make no mistake with rates that are non refundable on several booking centrals
Covid-19 cancellation policy
Free cancellation less than 30 days before arrival, in case of closed borders
Cleaning and disinfection of rooms and common areas
Rooms are entirely disinfected after each departure
Frequently used areas of the riad are disinfected daily
Free use and distribution of prevention material
Hydroalcoholic solution distributor is installed at the reception
Staff is trained to respect prevention instructions and works with a mask